Very good standard used condition book with the text inside being clean and unmarked exterior of the book shows moderate signs of usage fulfillment by amazon fba is a service we offer sellers that lets them store their products in amazons fulfillment centers, and we directly pack, ship, and provide customer service for these. Cutting for stone the phrase is from the hippocratic oath is about twins born joined at the head, in a mission hospital in addis ababa half a century ago. Ive been telling everybody to read this superb novel from abraham verghese. Cutting for stone by abraham verghese book cover, description, publication. Find books like cutting for stone from the worlds largest community of readers. Moving from addis ababa to new york city and back again, cutting for stone is an unforgettable story of love and betrayal, medicine and ordinary miraclesand two brothers whose fates are forever intertwined. A sweeping, emotionally riveting first novelan enthralling family saga of africa and america, doctors and patients, exile and home. Cutting for stone kindle edition by verghese, abraham.
Cutting for stone by abraham verghese, 9780099443636, available at book depository with free delivery worldwide. Marion and shiva stone are twin brothers born of secret union between a beautiful indian nun and a brash british surgeon. The book is a roller coaster ride of agonies and ecstasies that too often relies heavily on coincidence to move the plot along. Cutting for stone by abraham verghese fantastic fiction.
Discover book depositorys huge selection of abraham verghese books online. If you like cutting for stone you might like similar books hotel on the corner of bitter and sweet, state of wonder, the invention of wings, the poisonwood bible, snow flower and the secret fan. It is a saga of twin brothers, orphaned by their mothers death at their births and forsaken by their father. What this book really needs is some good editing cutting passages and getting down to basics.
A sweeping, emotionally riveting first novelan enthralling f. The plot of this big, dense book is fairly straightforward. Goodreads members who liked cutting for stone also liked. The book includes a deep description of both medical procedures and.
Marion and shiva stone are twin brothers born of a secret union between a. Cutting for stone 2009 is a novel written by ethiopianborn indianamerican medical doctor and author abraham verghese. Cutting for stone by abraham verghese, 9780375714368, available at book depository with free delivery worldwide. Marion and shiva stone are twin brothers born of a secret union between a beautiful indian nun and a brash british surgeon at a mission hospital in addis ababa. Cutting for stone is abraham vergheses big, bloated panorama of 20th century ethiopia, where medicine and religion meet, and surgeons and carmelite nuns procreate. Cutting for stone is a novel written by ethiopianborn indianamerican medical doctor and author abraham verghese. Published in 2009 by vintage, cutting for stone is abraham vergheses debut novel. The washington post book world absorbing, exhilarating. Marion and shiva stone are born one dramatic afternoon in 1954 in addis ababa, the same day their mother a nun, sister mary joseph. When first published, the novel was on the the new york times best seller list for two years and generally received well by critics. Cutting for stone throughout the month of march, npr books will be running an online discussion about abraham vergheses novel cutting for stone. Thomas stone, who becomes a key player in her destiny. In one of the characters, doctor ghosh the heros foster. In one of the characters, doctor ghosh the heros foster father.
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